Tampico Baptist Mission Statement
The mission of Tampico Baptist Church is the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the lives of individuals and in the world by:
· Proclamation of the Good News of the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that provides forgiveness of sin, release from guilt and condemnation, reconciliation with God, and eternal life granted through God’s grace to all who trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
· Maintenance of public worship
· Administration of the ordinances of Believer’s Baptism and Communion
· Enlistment and training members in spirituality, Christian living, and stewardship
· Local evangelism and support of national and international missions
· The teaching of the Bible as the divinely inspired Word of God and the final written authority, trustworthy for faith and practice.
· Promotion of Christian fellowship
Tampico Baptist Articles of Faith
1. We believe there are three that bear record in heaven: Father, the Word, and Holy Ghost, and these three are one.
2. We believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be of divine authority and the only infallible rule of faith and practice.
3. We believe in the total depravity of human nature and that recovery from that situation is wholly and entirely of the sovereign free unmerited grace of God in Christ Jesus.
4. We believe that God purposed in himself for his own glory to make a dispensation of his wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and truth in the works of creation which he has in the dispensation of his providence.
5. We believe that God from eternity purposed to save a people from their sins for his holy name’s sake, and that in infinite wisdom he devised the plan and appointed every means necessary to accomplish the great end of their redemption, which he effects in his own time by the operation of his Holy Spirit.
6. We believe that sinners are justified before God alone by the righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed to them.
7. We believe the doctrine of atonement for sins by the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
8. We believe all such as are born of the Spirit of God are kept by the power of God through faith unto eternal salvation.
9. We believe that good works are the effects of the faith of God’s elect and fellow beings born of the Spirit of God and in his point of view are evidence of a gracious state.
10. We believe baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances of the Gospel instituted by Jesus Christ and none but those who profess faith in Christ and obedience to his will are fit subjects of either.
11. We believe immersion according to the Scriptures and apostles’ practices to be the only proper mode of baptism.
12. We believe the sanctity of the first day of the week, our Lord’s Day, ought to be spent in public or private worship of God, and that we should abstain from our worldly concerns except in cases of necessity and mercy.